Friday, May 2, 2008

The Economy, My Front Left Tire and Debra Messing...

Name three things that are flat. YAY!

[not my actual tire]

It's official - the temporary economic readjustment [or whatever the W PR machine has branded our deepening recession] - is real. The big screw in the sidewall of my tire showed me that. I'm no stranger to belt tightening [alas - the financial kind] having had my own consultancy for 8+ years in Chicago and for the past 3 years [2 in a dead market that required extensive explanation and the past 1 in the next great American city where I'm just beginning to make my name in a crowded marketplace...

So - when my local tire-a-teria informed me that the damage was irreparable and the a new tire would be $125 - I was - well - rather literally screwed. But - I knew there was a better way.

Let's hear it for Google - which is how I discovered my wheel's savior - The Good Used Tire Shop

So - I made my way to Metropolitan Parkway in South Atlanta. Let me tell you - a gently used, tready tire installed for $25 was to me like water to Lake Lanier...

The young man from Cameroon provided stellar service and a lilting accent. I felt compelled to offer him a gratuity. So even at $30 - I got a bargain and a pleasant customer service experience - both quite rare these days. It's an important lesson - there's always an alternative. In fact, in the coming days - Mr. Thrifty will share tips on keeping your grocery bill down a little bit...



Anonymous said...

I was wondering if that was your tire. I didn't think your rims would be that ghetto.
Hmmm, three things that are flat.
1) The bass section in my choir.
2) NOT my abs.
3) My television.

Anonymous said...

I love it...."The W PR machine" he is such a "F" er!!!

Love ya,
Bill's wife!

Used Tires said...

That tire looks really flat haha!