It was a day of highs and lows. I am proud to say I voted in the Georgia primary. I wore my Georgia peach sticker with pride. It was a simple, efficient and even pleasant process. Digital, quick and easy.
The same cannot be said for acquiring a Georgia tag for my car. What a convoluted, unpleasant and inappropriately expensive process!
Today marked my second appearance in the lovely Fulton County Government Center (I mean that - it's a neat building). However, the DMV, well, that's a different story. Government employees who are doomed to enforce unreasonable and inefficient policies and procedures, it seems, are destined to be slow and some are drunk with the little power they lord over those of us to who pay their salaries.
Thank you Mr. Purple Shirt for snagging me and making me feel foolish for proceeding to the line I was told to go to the first time I showed up in the room that smells like really dirty laundry. Thank you Ma'am (though I don't hold you responsible per se) for having to get supervisor approval to accept the Tennessee document that your colleague told me I had to get the first time I was there.
CAN someone explain how/why it is reasonable for me to pay 2007 Fulton County tax on a vehicle that was registered in Tennessee through 12/31/07?!?! AND - then to have to pay it again in August of 2008?!?! I understand the renewal-on-birthday system - though it seems inefficient and like a deliberate mechanism for generating undeserved tax revenue from new residents. Since this is the first state (or is it county?!?) I've lived in with a vehicle tax - it makes little sense to me that it wouldn't be prorated for the amount of time I've lived here or from my previous tag's expiration date. And - to the REALLY BITCHY supervisor who barked rude, incomplete answers to my queries - it's about karma lady!!! SO... tax that!!
Many things can be said about Hamilton County and Tennessee - to be sure. However, licensing vehicles in the state of Tennessee is less expensive and less difficult. That - I miss.
SO - from rip offs, red tape and bureaucracy to the process of electing new bureaucrats - I was all over it today. NOW - when do we choose the Fulton County Tax Commissioner?!?!?!?!?!
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