Since last I wrote I've been to L.A. once and Las Vegas twice.
Merry Christmas Mr & Mrs...

Aren't they swell? It was a great 11 days! Our longest Christmas visit ever [and no one got hurt]! There's more to Vegas than the Strip - ya' know?! This desert city is closing in on 2 million residents and really has a lot to offer. In fact - what's neat is winter there is much like winter here in Atlanta.

Hank's at Green Valley Ranch Resort
Highlights of this holiday included great meals [Hank's at Green Valley Ranch; Twin Creeks at Silverton - which is a stunning new room and exquisite menu; Eiffel Tower at Paris - though I had some service issues with reservations and the request of a table; In-N-Out!; Fresh & Easy...] and a really fun show at the Gold Coast - Marie Osmond's Holiday Christmas Spectacular! Say what you will - but the Mormon can sing! And - she has a great sense of humor and gave a lively, festive holiday evening to all in attendance. I think we got a special dose as it was her last show of the run.
Played some slots...shopped the new Las Vegas Town Square (not unlike the Grove in L.A. or a smaller version of Atlantic Station)...back to the ATL...

Russell and I being silly with fab photog Jill Ball
What's really great is my pal Russell then came for a visit and we TORE up the deep down dirty South... and discovered what has to be one of the most exciting new restaurants I've been to in years! I don't make that comment lightly - if you know me - you know! JCT Kitchen was a real surprise. It has gotten good notice here in Atlanta - but - dinner with Russell was amazing. The room is a light, serene, stylish contemporary take on is the food. The service [our amazing server Jameson] was outstanding. The food was too. I can't say enough about this and am most anxious to try the great-sounding bar nibblies. Even their website rocks! One stand-out amongst all the great food was the crisp, simple salad of fresh green beans, romaine lettuce, spiced pecans, slivered apples and light, cold buttermilk dressing. YOWSA! LOVED IT! It's just not often anymore that a menu actually gets me going. This one does. And - it's next to a really cool, preppy men's store. Check out neighboring Sid Mashburn if you need to window shop and walk after dinner.
I was also in Vegas for my beloved mother's 70th birthday. More on that to come. SO glad I could be a part of it. So much percolating right now I'll follow up with more news soon...
OH - and - if you live in a state with a primary/caucus/thingy this Tuesday - VOTE!
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