[photo by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
Sure the lobby, destination restaurant and groovy lounge have been renovated. The rooms have not. All in good time, that's not the issue.
What is truly outrageous. Completely unacceptable and worth this rant is the parking situation at this mid-scale hotel.
With public spaces worthy of a W hotel or other groovy lodging option, one would imagine the Georgian Terrace would excel in service. One would be wrong - at least when it comes to parking. A recent stay at the venerable Atlanta landmark proved frustrating.
I pulled in...left my vehicle and went to check in... All's well thus far. When I inquired about valet parking costs I was informed that it would be $25 with in/out privileges. Even for a larger city - that's pretty pricey. Here's the part that got my blood boiling. When I was checking out in the morning - I called down for my call and was told that "They don't like to do that. You'll need to come down with the ticket." Who are THEY?! AND - REALLY?!?!?! REALLY?!?! So - I paid $25 for valet parking and STILL had to wait for my car. NOPE. Never again. Here's why. Self-park at the nearby Hotel Midtown (formerly Wyndham Midtown) is $15. Self-park at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center is $10. Neither - though- have in/out privileges. However - I wasn't going anywhere when I checked in anyway. I am not sure of the cost for the newly-opened Palomar Hotel is an even more EXORBITANT $30. This is Midtown Atlanta - not Midtown Manhattan! Couple these ridiculous charges with Midtown's growing and aggressive homeless problem and it becomes much less appealing. Incidentally - valet at the RITZ CARLTON in Buckhead is only $30...and they offer self-park for $15 (with in/out privileges). If you stay a the W at Perimeter - there's NO charge for parking. AND - at the close-by Four Seasons Hotel in Midtown - valet parking is a REALLY reasonable $18 with in/out privileges. The Four Seasons is often forgotten in Atlanta. Great bar. Exquisite restaurant. Lovely, attentive service - and - who knew?? - reasonably priced parking!!!
ANYWAY - back to the bad experience at hand...
SO - I came down. Gave my ticket and waited. Meanwhile - I was discussing it with the front desk representative and this is where I get peeved. The young man, rather than acknowledging my concern and apologizing for the inconvenience, chose to argue with me. Nothing raises my already high BP like service staff that argues with customers. Simply unacceptable.
I could live with the, as yet, unrenovated rooms. They're huge and comfy. But - the parking situation sucks and the service surrounding it was maddening.
why do you continually get poor service?
I'm quite likely not any different than any other consumer. I just write about those experiences... I just share my encounters with the abysmal state of customer service these days...
ONe would think that the Hospitality (and I use that term loosely) industry would be in such a state that each establishment would be tripping over themselves to differentiate themselves and CUSTOMER SERVICE would be at the top of the list!! Shame on that man for arguing with you, whether you're a potential repeat client or not, you deserve respect AND he's representing the Terrace not a platform to be waving his own petty little flag.
Dear Anonymous: It's not that only Michael gets poor service... we ALL do, but don't all have blogs to be able to broadcast it. If you are treated like royalty wherever you go, then bully for you! Due to Michael's experience I trust his take on a place. There are many places he recommends, NOT just rants and I appreciate knowing where I could expect a good experience vs. a poor one!
Although, I do not like the increasing prices, I think they would be more acceptable if service was also improved. I agree with you that arguing with a customer is not a good policy.
You be gettin all up in my grill likat an I will cut you. Rude.
Anonymous - you're really obtuse.
I agree with the previous comments.
Everyone receives poor service, and most just eat it, take it, and go back for more in the name being trendy, ironic, and cool.
Case in point: The Hotel San Jose in Austin.
Now there's a place that offers no amenities other than high prices, hipness, and Angelenos.
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