I remember trying out for Up with People. I know. I know. There was a dreadful song we had to sing entitled "Freedom isn't Free..." It was a hackneyed anthem - as loathsome as if it were penned by a greedy military contractor. I am, however, reminded of some of the sentiment as I think about tomorrow and wanted to encourage you to take a moment tomorrow and think about those who have sacrificed so much for this country.
So - tomorrow - at 3 PM, your local time [Monday, May 25, 2009], I encourage you to join me and millions of your fellow Americans in a moment of silence to remember those who've fallen to war and those who still struggle to overcome the effects of it.
Just a moment. Just a thought.
1 comment:
Okay, first.... Up With People?! WOW!
Okay, now....
thank you for the moment of remembering. Even as we know our country is not perfect and does not always treat it's sons and daughters as kindly as it should in many respects, the REST OF US should pick up the slack! This country isn't perfect, but it's ours and we are privileged to think and say and feel as we wish. Thank you to those who have kept us safe and fought for what is right on the battlefield, in the courtrooms, wherever!
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