Apparently this was studied for 2 years and consumers found the old name represented "undesirable traits." It's the name of a freakin' candy bar. Now after 80 years and 2 years of corporate fiddling (analysis paralysis), the name makes me think of unpleasant traffic gestures... I am sure there's a tongue in cheek nod to that in some smug marketers mind [or 04/01 joke]. It sounds - to me - somewhat uncivilized.
Why not embrace Butterfinger's clumsy connotation and have commercials featuring surprise celebs catching and tearing into a fumbled bar? How - now after 80 years - does the name imply that it's candy for only clumsy people [this according to Nestle research]???
Just like spelling quick with a "K" and a "W" it just seems like one more dumbing down of an American icon.
What's next?
-Milky Way - becomes "WAY!" I can hear it now... "No way!??! WAY!"
-Charleston Chew is - The CHEW
-M+Ms become M's
-Since few young consumers really know about Baby Ruth - it's now just Baby..."Baby got nougat."
-Similarly Oh Henry becomes ChocoRod. What? It's still a baseball reference - right?! A. Rod?
Just not buyin' it. As we shorten every product name and spelling and smart-ass up the identities of iconic brands we lose a little bit of American consumer history and we inch ever further away from being the civilized bunch we think we are. God forbid someone have to crack open a dictionary or look at a map.
I, for one, won't be begging for anyone to give me "The Finger."

[If it isn't a joke, it, sadly, comes as little surprise...]
This is just plain STUPID!
if it's NOT an April Fool's...I'm hoping it is...
I don't like it! But it does bring attention to a candy bar that probably hasn't received much attention lately--either if it's true or false.
agreed that it's a good stunt - if it's April Fool's...sad - if it's really the new name...there MUST be a better way to invigorate this mature brand...
If it's not a joke, let us all bow our heads in shame, America!
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