Did you ever wonder what the difference was between a smirk and a grin [too Rooney?]? I did - since I often suggest that I smirk in photographs of myself.
Well...I was shocked to find out how negatively my beloved "smirk that works" was defined.
Take a look - from dictionary.com:
grin [grin]
verb, grinned, grin·ning, noun
–verb (used without object)1.
to smile broadly, esp. as an indication of pleasure, amusement, or the like.
to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth, as a snarling dog or a person in pain. [OK - well there is this...]
to show or be exposed through an opening, crevice, etc.
–verb (used with object)4.
to express or produce by grinning:
The little boy grinned his approval of the gift.–noun [THE LITTLE BOY GRINNED?!?! Awww...]
a broad smile.
the act of producing a broad smile.
the act of withdrawing the lips and showing the teeth, as in anger or pain.
smirk [smurk]
–verb (used without object)1.
to smile in an affected, smug, or offensively familiar way.
the facial expression of a person who smirks.
I smirk - because I'm not a toothy grinner... Belinda - guess I'll need more White Strips!!
The little boy grinned...and-here-the nasty man smirked. How disappointed am I to finally see in writing the difference? Quelle drag!