AND no...I don't believe the vast majority of the tri-corner hat crowd has ANY clue that when they say they're "teabagging" it has giggle inducing effects on many...
SO - "Taxed Enough Already!" Really? Rachel Maddow pointed an amazing irony out this evening. Many of these so-called protests today on Tax Day were held in public parks. Created with?!?! The safety of the protesters was insured by a police presence. Paid for by?!?! Hmmm...

AND the best thing she noted this evening is that the whole tea party phenomenon surrounding the stimulus package and business bailouts [IF I understood her correctly] was, in some way, shape or form, developed by the same DC PR firm that reps [repped?] bailout recipients AIG and others. Here in South Carolina - one protest was organized by the local head of one-note, anti-gay fringe group American Family Association. Nice to see they've diversified.
I could go for a nice unsweetened iced tea.